案例 - 前多少个正整数的和会超过给定的数?
- 用户输入(requiredSum);
- 如果用户输入错误整数(0或者负数),要求重新输入;
- 如果用户尝试次数超过3次,终止程序。
1. 用户只输入整数的情况(尝试理解并复现)
import java.util.Scanner;
public class SumAsRequired {
private static final int allowedAttempts = 3;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int requiredSum = 0; // 用来存储用户输入的数,默认0,不合法,后面要求输入
int attempts = 1; // 存储用户已经尝试输入的次数
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
// 判断输入是否大于0,如果输不大于0 且 尝试次数允许:要求重新输入
while (requiredSum <= 0 && attempts <= allowedAttempts) {
if (attempts == 1) //第一次输入的提示信息
System.out.print("Input the required sum (You have 3 chances): ");
else //后续输入的提示信息
System.out.print("You must input a positive integer. Please retry: ");
requiredSum = scanner.nextInt();
attempts++; // 尝试次数+1
// 用完所有尝试次数后(上面的while),输入仍然不正确:终止程序
if (requiredSum <= 0) {
System.out.println("Too many tries. Please have a break.");
return; // 直接终止main方法
// 输入的数大于0,开始计算n
int n; // 定义连续增加的整数
int sum = 0; // 记录前n个数的和
for (n = 1; n <= requiredSum; n++) {
sum += n;
if (sum > requiredSum)
System.out.println("\n----------processing-----------"); // 假装在努力
System.out.printf("\nThe first %d positive integers' sum is greater than %d\n", n, requiredSum);
2. 处理用户输入非整数的情况(扩展阅读)
import java.util.InputMismatchException;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class SumAsRequiredExt {
private static final int allowedAttempts = 3;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int requiredSum = 0; // 用来存储用户输入的数,默认0,不合法,后面要求输入
int attempts = 1; // 存储用户已经尝试输入的次数
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
// 判断输入是否大于0,如果输不大于0 且 尝试次数允许:要求重新输入
while (requiredSum <= 0 && attempts <= allowedAttempts) {
if (attempts == 1)
System.out.print("Input the required sum (You have 3 chances): ");
System.out.print("You must input a positve integer. Please retry: ");
try{ // 捕获异常
requiredSum = scanner.nextInt();
} catch(InputMismatchException e) { //处理输入不是整数的异常
System.out.println("An integer is required.");
scanner.nextLine(); // scanner.nextInt()方法不会读换行符,这里读入用户本次后续所有输入,并将光标移动到下个输入的开头
attempts++; // 尝试次数+1
// 用完所有尝试次数后(上面的while),输入仍然不正确:终止程序
if (requiredSum <= 0) {
System.out.println("Too many tries. Please have a break.");
return; // 直接终止main方法
// 输入的数大于0,开始计算n
int n; // 定义连续增加的整数
int sum = 0; // 记录前n个数的和
for (n = 1; n <= requiredSum; n++) {
sum += n;
if (sum > requiredSum)
System.out.printf("\nThe first %d positive integers' sum is greater than %d\n", n, requiredSum);